
Hurricane Pre-Season

(via the Atlantic Oceanic and Meteorological Society) A good little FAQ on why we just don't drop nuclear bombs into hurricanes and tropical storms. Kinda seems like a really bad idea without thinking about it, never the less that AOMS goes on for about a page.

While it's really unlikely that we will be dropping any nukes on this years batch of severe storms it is likely that we are going to have more than a few this year -if history has shown us anything it's that when we have uneventful years in a row, the third always tends to bring the big ones, like Hurrican Katrina pictured above.

I will be posting my picks for this years best Generators and power supplies in the next few weeks, but the best bet is probably to get started preparing for the worst now. You can never underestimate the importance of a good dependable generator. It is worth having, even if you want to consider yourself lucky to have never used it.

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