
It’s Pressure Washer Season

Best Choice– Campbell Hausfeld PW1810

Seems like the industry consensus is that the CH is gonna take best in show for the residential market for the 2007 season. The Campbell Hausfeld PW1810 is really getting off the chart reviews in the media and from people in the industry. I haven't used this one myself, but I know people at CH, and I know they were excited with the way this unit turned out. It's a perfect balance of function and value for the home user or a very light industrial application, and the price. People I talked to let me know they are selling really well –I think most places are out of them now for the next two weeks, from what I hear picking one up by Mid-April should be no problem. I know its going to be the big winner this year though, people know the Campbell Hausfeld name and they trust it. The PW1810 should last be able to get the job done for you, provided you take care of it and store it properly –for years to come. (link)

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